Ashlyn: “hmmm, ok, but she already has choir at church”
Ashlyn: “what about piano?”
Hubby: “don’t want la, we need a piano at home”
Emma: “piano like quite boring”
Ashlyn: “violin, guitar or ukulele? Emma, do you want to learn violin, guitar or ukulele?”
Emma: shake head. “I just want to learn ballet”.
Hubby: “Don’t want (volin, drum or guitar). Drum? I show you!”
Emma (after watching a drum clip): hmm, ok!
Ashlyn: Really drum ah? Or what about learn piano?
Emma: yup!
And so, that’s how we end up having a budding princess drummer who wants to be dainty princess ballerina yet hippy and cool drumming. Ballet is definitely her first love but music is always good for the children and she only said yes to drum.

Hubby was really excited and bought a 2nd hand drum upon signing up with Aureus Academy. He accompanied her classes and get to learn secretly too! He also does short drum practice with her during the week. No, he doesn’t know how to play any instrument and just learn together with her. It would be awesome if both of them eventually learn how to drum together!
At first, I was quite hesitated, full of doubts. What if she gives up?”. But if we never try, we would never know! Yes! We like to cultivate her love for music; and we should expose her to instruments and singing where we can. Music plays an important part of our life and we can’t live without it. It brings about lots of benefits too! And, it’s a gift she managed to learn to play any instrument.
Emma started her drum lessons in July at Aureus Academy @ Northpoint. It was just next to her Kuno Method class so we thought it would be easier to stack the classes on Sunday. But at last, we were so wrong. She couldn’t focus. After 3 classes, we had doubt if she could do drum. However, we decided to let her have another try and switched to Aureus @ Forum on Saturday.
Aureus Academy @ Forum
It has been over a month since Emma started with Teacher Putera at Aureus Academy @ Forum, and she’s doing well. Emma enjoys every drum class and is making good progress. She could follow his instructions without much problem and is picking up what he has taught quite steadily. She practised drum to a few songs already! There’s still lots to improve but we are glad that she’s catching the beats pretty steadily.
The class is 30 mins short but very fruitful. There are also 45 mins and an hour class. We went for 30 mins to keep it short and sweet! It’s 1 on 1 so the pace of class is set accordingly to Emma’s ability. Aureus Academy lessons are drop-off classes but Daddy has been sitting in the lessons. It makes it easier for him to practise with her.
Teacher Putera is really friendly, patient and good with kids. While has has been teaching for drum for more than 3 years, he has started playing percussion at walking band for many more years. He received his Bachelor’s Degree at University of Teknologi Mara, Malaysia, and has performed with various well-established ensembles such as the National Symphony Orchestra. I must say the teachers are all graduates with music experience and certainly well qualified to teach!
Aureus Academy doesn’t just provide drum lessons, they also provides individually tailored piano lessons, violin lessons, guitar lessons, and vocal lessons to students of all ages and abilities. With 9 branches located at different part of Singapore, there is possibly one that is around your corner. If not, Aureus Academy also provide home lessons at your convenience! They have their teachers' timetable online and it makes booking/change slots quick and easy!
Their lessons are designed to engage each student in a way that suits their learning style. Perhaps that’s why we are feeling that Emma’s doing fine as Teacher Putera is teaching to her pace.

We are thankful for great teacher. Meanwhile, we are just going to let her set the pace and see how she progress from there! Afterall, I believe it's a good training of hands & legs coordination, focus and sense of rhythm. Have fun, Emma!
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