Friday, February 10, 2017

Good bye, our first home!

Last night, we dropped by our old house for the last time.

The house was empty but filled with so many precious memories. 

6 years ago, we entered this house as a young couple - full of dreams but not knowing what life ahead would be. Today, we looked back as a family of 3.5 and marveled at how God had led us.

I still remembered those good old days when both of us could sleep past 8am then spent the rest of our baby-free Saturdays cleaning up the house, wiping down every cabinets and wardrobes, and watching movies to award ourselves.

I lost count of the number of hours that I'd spent completing my assignments and mugging for exams. But, I remembered how I love to walk around the house and look out of the windows just to get some inspirations and the lines memorised.

I love how we were able to host many family members and friends for housewarming, chinese new year, christmas, baby shower and sweet gatherings despite our small spaces. I particularly enjoyed watching how spontaneous many had danced and played the kinect games.

While we enjoy good outside food, we love to eat at the comfort of our house after a tiring day. Hubby disliked the red wall at the dining area as it makes him feel hot. But, I just love the pop of colour in our monochrome house.

I'm not the best cook and the most efficient housewife but I'm glad to maximise the usage of the kitchen after Emma comes along. The amount of time spent on food preparation, cooking, washing, laundry almost beat the amount of awake time spent at the other part of the house. It would probably be the place that I would miss the most as the new kitchen will be much smaller. 

Every corners of the house kept memories of Emma's childhood - her first sleep through, flip, sit, crawl, word, step and solid. She has learnt and grown so much in this house. I believe one of her greatest achievements would be to mark every single door, cabinet and wall (of her height) with her tiny fingerprints.

Oh well, our journey has not been all smooth sailing. We had our fights, worries, struggles and disappointments. And, this house saw us through all and heard our helpless cries and prayers to God. But, we thank God for giving us with this lovely home to remind that he will always provides and protects. 

Today, we handed over the keys and leave our first house with hearts filled with thanksgiving and precious memories that last a lifetime. 

Thank you, our first home, for being a place where we could love with all our hearts, rest our tender souls and hearts, fight and tear, celebrate rejoice and, learn and grow over the past 6 years. 
You'll be missed!

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