Sunday, September 4, 2016

5 Fruits to Promote Child's Digestive Health

When Emma was younger, she faced mild constipation at least once a week. It was bad enough for her as she cried in fear (and pain) and broke into cold sweat while she tried to poo. Sometimes it took 5 mins but for most of the times, it took longer. There would be blood stains once in a while if she exerted too much effort. It was such a pain seeing her struggle.

Fiber, Fluid and Exercise!

Over time, I realised most of the times they happened when she skipped fruits. So, I became more diligent in offering her at least a serving of fruits everyday. Things got so much better now as she has sufficient dose of fiber, fluid and exercise! 

According to WebMD, leading health organisations recommend that children ages 1-3 years old should get about 19 grams of fiber per day and children ages 4-8 should eat about 25 grams of fiber daily. It's also important to note that increasing water intake when eating foods high in fiber is crucial. A diet high in fiber without proper water intake can have opposite effect and cause constipation along with other stomach issues. 

If your child has a tendency to get constipated, you can try to avoid some foods like refined "white" foods like white rice and white bread, cheese and other dairy productions. 


5 Fruits to Promote Child's Digestive Health

Emma isn't an adventurous eater but thankfully, these 5 fruits work well on her taste buds and tummy! 

1. Apple

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Apples always work for Emma and she can finish up a big one apple at one go. A medium apple constains about 4 grams of fiber with only 80 calories. Apples contain a compound called pectin, an enzyme that helps dissolve accumulated waste matter from the digestive tract. 

Besides offering digestive benefits, it also provides vitamins such as C, A and folate, as well as minerals, including potassium and phosphorous.

2. Banana

Here's comes Emma's favourite! Banana is packed with lots of fiber and potassium that are beneficial for strong digestive system. 

When she was younger, banana actually caused constipation to her. I believe banana has too much fiber for her and without enough fluid, it became hard for the fiber to move along. These days, she eats one banana without any problem. 

So, do remember to eat in moderation.

3. Papaya

Who doesn't love juicy sweet papaya? Emma loves her papaya and always ask for extra serving!

Papaya is a good source of fiber and it is rich in Vitamin C which helps soften the stool. In addition, it also contains papain, an enzyme that helps to digest proteins, as well as other active compounds, to help ease constipation. 

Having said that, do skip papaya if your child is already having loose bowels. 

4. Kiwi

Depending on whether the kiwi is sweet or sour (and her mood), Kiwi can be a hit or miss at times. Nevertheless, it's a super fruit to introduce to the children. Full of antioxidants, Vitamins C & E, potassium, folate and fibre. Kiwis can also aid in digestion with its protein-breaking enzymes called actinidin. 

5. Raisins

I'm leaving raisins to the last (but not the least!) item on this list. Despite raisins falling under the dried fruits category, this sweet treat are packed with nutritional value that is much more than their unassuming size would suggest. 

Raisins are rich in fiber and have lots of vitamins and nutrients that the body needs. Win-win for mummy and child!


Don't miss out all the goodness and benefits of these fruits!

Friso's LockNutri Process Technology

Besides taking all these fruits, Emma has also started on Friso Gold Stage 4 milk powder last month. She transitted without any problem. She loves her milk and is still taking 3 bottles a day. 

After learning about Friso's LockNutri Process, a mild heat treatment that enables protein in formula milk to be preserved in their natural form, so that it can be readily absorbed by the little ones, I thought to give it a try. 

 Foods are often processed with high heat and as a result, the natural structure of proteins get damaged or destroyed. The same goes for milk formula. Once the proteins are damaged, they may not be easily absorbed and may cause protein indigestion and general stomach discomfort. LockNutri was designated to eliminate this problem.

With this latest technology, I can be assured that Emma can absorb the nutrients effectively. Proteins play an important role in muscle, skin and bones. It helps in tissue building and growth and is a component in red blood cells. Building this strong foundation keeps our little ones safe from the inside out.
And, a healthy digestive system is definitely the way to keep our child strong and happy to enjoy their days!


Disclaimer: This blog is in collaboration with FrisoKids learn from experiences whether big or small, good or bad. That's why Friso provides the right nutrition for your child to be strong inside to take on challenge. Read more about food choices for the family and kid-friendly recipes on Friso's websiteFacebook and Instagram.

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