2019 has been a busy but a happening and fulfilling one! It's almost everyday about family, the 2 girls and work but I'm thankful to be able to set aside a very small amount of time for some self care like eyebrow embroidery, eyelash extension, facial, stepped up on skincare and embarked on my invisalign journey. Apart from the constant juggling of time as a full time working mom, I give thanks that there was no major challenge unlike the recent years. I also managed to cook alot more for the family this year and I pray that I could at least keep up for 2020.
This year, we spent much time and focus on Emma's school registration and preparation. I also spent a fair amount of time worrying and praying for Emma's new primary school journey. We are thankful to be able to get into Hubby's old school. Things are also more busy as we had to go through spelling and 听写 on a weekly basis during the school terms for Emma. There was always some school work to run through - not alot but it's a challenge for full time working mom as the time with them on weekdays are really short. Honestly, the girls just want to play after a long day at childcare and sometimes, it can be quite challenging to get Emma's full attention. By God's grace, we pulled through the year and will continue to work hard together in our new journey! I pray that she will enjoy growing up, learning and making friends!
Over the past year, we have watched Avalyn learnt and grown so well and so much! She's talking like big girl and never fails to impress us with her complete short sentences. Her learning and experiences (even if it's just tagging along) have surely sped up with a big sister around. She does things that are "beyond her age". She played big girl toys like barbie toys and role play at home. She learnt alot from Emma and trying things out herself. She's getting more and more independent though she can be quite clingy at times. Parenting Avalyn is so different from Emma. There are lesser worries about her developments in learning and milestones because she's doing well. For 2020, I pray that we will be more firm to discipline and inculcate stronger values and characters in her as well as Emma.
As we come to the end of 2019, I just want to give thanks for all the blessings and challenges that bring us to what we are now. I like to thank all close friends for always sticking by even when I wasn't able to meet up more often than I would wish for! I also can't count our blessings enough to have many opportunities and met many inspiring people on the social media front. I've never expect to to have come this far. Many thanks to those who have been following us on our journey, for all their love and support.
A photoshoot to kick start the new year! Thanks to Studio Petite for having us!

Following a year of loss in the family, we had a quiet Chinese New Year but managed to spend some time with our love ones.

Like always, we brought along our 2 light bulbs to celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary at Fullerton Hotel!
Our first staycay of 2019! Village Hotel is such a cosy stay at Sentosa and I love their facilities!
First ballet examination and I was very proud that she made it through!
Birthday month is made more special with my first solo trip to Lego Conference. It was such an eye opener.

Marking the last year of Emma's kindergarten with trip with one of her school good friend and family!

Avalyn turned 2 years old! It also marked the start of expanding vocabulary. She's talking so much now!
We celebrated her special day with families. On the actual day, we headed to Superpark for some play with the Chens. Janice, I realised we didn't have good photos of our families together this year!

We had a Hen's party for our then bride-to-be and celebrated Mark & Deon's wedding in June! It's such a joy to witness the union of this pair of beautiful couple!

Emma had her first drum recital and played "Fight Song"!

Our family caught Aladdin Musical. This got to be my favourite show of 2019!
We successfully registered for Emma's primary school and thank God for giving her a place at Hubby's old school!
Our first family glamping to celebrate Emma's 6th birthday!
I'm extremely thankful to have the opportunity to be on the national TV. It was such an experience!

We got to spend this fun Halloween at several events. The girls (more of Emma) love it for the novelty and sweet treats. Avalyn had a good time training her courage.

A day trip to JB with the family! Really treasuring all simple moments like this with the family!
The highlight of the year at work has to be organising my company's dinner and dance! I've learnt so much!
Teambuilding with (part of) my work family! I thankful for a friendly and supportive team!
Another sweet & simple celebration for the pillar of our family!
Primary School orientation for Emma! This girl is so ready for her new journey!
Marked the end of her preschool journey with a heartwarming concert!
A short yet relaxing trip to Batam! Wish we can have more getaway like this next year!
Emma drummed to "Roar" at 2nd Drum Recital and to our surprise, she asked to continue learning drum after what seems to be her last recital!
We had our first family trip with Hubby's family to Malacca!

Wrapped up the year with an awesome stay at JW Marriott South Beach! Emma said it's her best hotel stay ever! Lovely room and fabulous service!

Emma performed together with her brothers & sisters-in-Christ at the Church Christmas in front of hundreds of Church Members. I'm so proud of these little children of God! It was such a joy to watch them grow up in the love of God.

This got to be the girls' favourite family photo of the year!

I'm so glad to be able to catch up with close friends during this holidays! Thank you for being in my life!

That's all for a quick wrap up for 2019! No doubt, my heart is so full!
2020 is an important year as it marks the 10th year since Hubby and I had vowed before God to be husband and wife. I could only praise God for watching after us all these years. As we embarked into a new journey for us to parent a primary school goer and an active toddler, may we have greater wisdom and strength to juggle our different roles, and to shine brighter for God.
To another exciting year ahead!

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