Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fairytales and Fantasy

Last weekend D&D was an enjoyable one.The organising committee engaged the "sadist sergeant" from Ah boys to Men 1 as the host. He was really entertaining and engaging. Many dressed up to theme as princesses and fairies. Besides, there were also red riding hood, mad hatter and pirates. 
But here's my favourite character of the night:

The Disney Robot. I really admire his effort and creativity to do up the "costume".

He certainly stood out from the rest and was voted the best dresssed!

We also have the not-to-theme girls with Cleopatra :)

...and lastly, an "incomplete" department shot with the lovely people that I have been working together for the past few months!


It seems to be a season of fairy tales and fantasy. I have lately watched a number of series/movies like once a upon time, hansel and gretel and rise of the guardians. Although they aren't real, they can be really inspiring at times.

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