Statistics: Emma didn't gain much weight for the past month. I guess she is much more active now and thus her slower weight gain. She is around 6.3kg at her 5th month and measured 64cm at her previous check up on 28 Dec. She is still on medium size diapers.
Health: So far still good :) It has been slightly more than a month since she started her infant care and there has been 6 cases till date. The numbers of cases has been rather worrying. We have been praying hard daily that she will be strong to withstand the viruses.
She had her 4th month jab - 1 vaccination and another oral one last month. Similarly, she cried for a short while after the jab. She did well for the follow up physical assessment on her neck. This time seems less miserable for her as she was still very active after the jab and had 1 day of slightly high temperature (up to 37.1 Degree Celsius),
Her next jab will be after Chinese New Year.
Diet: She is still feeding on mummy's milk every 3.5hrly. The timing works well for me to feed her before and after work. She has been drinking 140-150ml each time. However, she started to fuss quite a bit when taking her pigeon bottles. Have just switched to Dr Brown over last weekends and she has been taking it well so far.
Sleep: It has been a great blessing to have her still sleeping around 830pm to the next day 6am and I have been praying hard that she could keep it this way. I had experimented to drop her 1030pm a few nights and she could sleep through without that feed. However, I am worried that she isn't gaining enough weight so still keeping that feed, hoping that she could drink a little more. We are still having the same bedtime routine - feed, play a little while, wipe down, change, sing songs, pray and kiss goodnight. She would normally sleep shortly after being put down on bed.
Her naps at ifc are usually around 1- 2hrs each time and 3-4 times each day. At times, she would need to be pat to sleep, if not she would usually soothe herself to sleep by sucking her thumb/fingers.
She has started to sleep tummy down for her naps these days. For her night time sleep, we will put her down on her back but on some nights, she would flip herself without fussing in the middle of the night and continue to sleep.

Activity: She still loves to observe people around her and her surroundings. In addition, she has progressed to love tummy time! She spends most of her waketime tummy down. It has since been hard to take photos of her lying down as she flips almost immediately after she is laid down. She would moves her hands, arms, legs and butt, looks like she is prepping herself to crawl.

She still loves to play with her hands and munch on them. The house has been filled with more giggles and laughters then ever, she would laugh after us and when we talk/sing to her.
She would also play with her toys! I love how she hug the monkey that my bro has bought for her :)
She also had her first swim at home. :) we blew up her mini pool (and float) and filled up with warm water. She seems to enjoy it!
We bought a puj chair and tried to let her practise sitting for a very short while each day. She is certainly getting stronger.
Social/Outings: This year Christmas and new year celebrations are filled with lots of thanksgiving and joy. We had a Christmas celebration for the children at GO, a BBQ with church buddies and a simple lunch out. I also got to meet up CHAOS for our yearly Christmas exchange!
As for this new year, no late stayouts for the time being so we (with Emma sleeping though) just count down at home. And we had a good breakfast and some time out for thanksgiving, reflection and resolution at Keppel bay.
Clothes: I am happy that I have resisted much temptations to buy more CNY clothes. I didn't have much time shopping and even online shopping. My mum bought 2 for her and I bought another 1. Looking forward to dressing her in these cute red outfits. :)
Milestones: As mentioned in her last month update, she started flipping and there is no stopping to it! On her 5th month, she managed to flip from tummy down to lying on her back. But she haven't really start rolling yet.
Emma also had her Baby baptism with the witness of our parents, my bro and many other church friends. I pray that we will be good parents and lead/guide/accompany Emma to walk in the light of God.
Postpartum: It has been almost a month since I returned back to work. I am slowly getting back to working life but am still missing Emma a lot. It's indeed not easy to be a full time working mummy. I should probably do up a post on ftwm someday.
Thankful that my milk supply has been maintaining and is just sufficient for Emma. I have a small stash of frozen milk at home and so on days that I got too busy at work I will just do away with one pump during lunch time. I would love to breastfeed for as long as I could, hoping that she would be stronger with breastmilk. Another 4 weeks to the start of my final semester, I am praying hard that I would be able to sustain my supply (considering stress and tiredness will lower supply).
Had bad tummy ache (not sure if it is food poisoning) and fever towards the end of last year. Glad that parents and Hubby helped out in all way that they could so that I could have more rest
Thankful that my milk supply has been maintaining and is just sufficient for Emma. I have a small stash of frozen milk at home and so on days that I got too busy at work I will just do away with one pump during lunch time. I would love to breastfeed for as long as I could, hoping that she would be stronger with breastmilk. Another 4 weeks to the start of my final semester, I am praying hard that I would be able to sustain my supply (considering stress and tiredness will lower supply).
Had bad tummy ache (not sure if it is food poisoning) and fever towards the end of last year. Glad that parents and Hubby helped out in all way that they could so that I could have more rest
I had another haircut again. I am having some post pregnancy hair woes like hair fall and change in hair texture. Great price to be a mummy. As for my weight, it has been hovering around 49kg and I am left with these 2kg. Breastfeeding is definitely a great way to lose those kilos gradually (and without exercise) even though I have been eating a lot and taking full cream milk.
Many more thoughts on my mind but meanwhile that's all for this post :)
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kigdom of Go belongs to such as these. - Mark 10:14
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