You know your life has changed when going to a grocery store by yourself is a vacation.
- motherhood
Credits to Chester Tan from Music.Photo.Life
I'm not going to hide.
Motherhood is great and filled with lots of love and joy. However, life after being a mother is different and much more different than I'd expected. Perhaps, the additional responsibilities to upbring another being is too overpowering. Emma's such a precious gift from God and one that I've waited for years. I put in my best and commit most of my time to her and the family. While doing these, I slowly and willingly gave up bits and pieces of myself.
When this topic on "Mummy's Me Time" came up 6 months ago, I thought I'd lost it all after baby. The first 14 months were all about breastfeeding, balancing between family, studies and work while learning what's motherhood is all about. Then, I spent the next 3 months running in the new job before things finally start to settle down. In fact, I'd never gave much thought about me-time in the early motherhood.
Thankfully, Hubby took over the night duty to put Emma to bed 7 months back. He has an amazing ability to knock her off in 15-30 mins while I would fall asleep with Emma and wake up 1.5-2 hours later. So now, I get some time alone early in the morning or after I finish up the daily housework at around 10pm.
With these bonus time, I got to spare a little more attention to myself and slowly worked in small pockets of me-time and couple time back into my motherhood. It's hard to strike a really good balance among family, housework, church, work and friends but to inject some sanity and energiser, I often fight the fight Z monster for some me-time activities.
Credits to Chester Tan from Music.Photo.Life
1. Pampering sessions
Long gone were the days when I could easily indulge in monthly facial and hair treatment. I know I can throw everything to Hubby if I want to head out but it's just a huge part of me that wants to spend every non-working hours with Emma while she is awake. Nevertheless, I know I still need time to rejuvenate and upkeep myself. Thus, monthly facial became bi-monthly sweet treats and I arranged for quick hair treatment during office's lunch time or Emma's nap time. Long shower and putting on face mask has also became a luxury when the little one is asleep.
2. Crafting
I love crafting and I can do them all day long! There isn't any specific favourite craftwork but I enjoy toying with papers, markers, plastic cups, paper plates, ice cream sticks, double sized tapes, scissors and some random stuff. I'm thankful to be serving in the children ministry as I got to explore various craftwork while teaching the children. Over the years, I'd made pencil holders, photo frames, magnets, puzzles, buntings, finger puppets, lanterns, tambourines, pop-up cards, crowns, masks, bookmarks and the list continues on. With Emma coming to 2 years old, I believe crafting would become more of a family fun than me-time.
3. Blogging
Blogging was a casual affair for me as I walked through the various stages of life - dating, working, modelling, part time studies, wedding, home renovation and travel. In fact, I'd greater preference over photos than words and I still do. However, I began to write more during my pregnancy and parenthood as they are so amazing and exciting that I want to remember as much details as I could. In addition, blogging has also brought me new experiences beyond what I can imagine and expect. It's just a joy to have my memories, thoughts and ideas penned down at a place where I could read back from time to time.
4. Late night shopping
I mean late night grocery shopping. I often head out to NTUC after Emma goes to bed. There's certainly no mummy's guilty involved and it's feels pretty relaxing to be taking a stroll after a long day at work. It's a short walk to the shopping mall and sometimes, I get to sneak in some real shopping too. If not, I'd shop online if I really need some retail therapy.
5. Quiet Time
Things can get pretty overwhelmed on some days and I breathed on many secs/mins of short prayers throughout the days. Nevertheless, I need to learn to quiet down and slow down even more, and have longer quiet time, reflect deeper and invest my time wisely. When I was younger, I love to spend hours alone at the seaside and I need to figure out how I can get away from the bustle even when I'm confined to the 4 walls. Whether is it for family or work, things are moving too fast! Can you believe that we're less than 5 months to the end of 2015.
6. Reading and Be inspired
It's not so much of reading physical books but more of the online articles. I find it encouraging to read short stories, articles or blogs or posts by fellow parents as I got to pick up new things and ideas. When I have spare time or an idea to be worked on, I love to google for more inspiration, brainstorming and tips. The boundary is endless!
Credits to Chester Tan from Music.Photo.Life
I don't know if there are other mummies who are like me fighting for time with the bubs or it's just me who aren't able to let go. As I hit the "T" 2 year mark of my motherhood, I'm learning to enjoy every simple moment, take things a little lighter and be kinder to myself.
I'm thankful for a supportive hubby who helps to lighten my load in ways that he could and Emma for sleeping early. I wouldn't have survived well without these couple hours of "peace" to finish up the housework and enjoy some relaxing moments. While I long to be a better wife and mum each day, I pray that the Lord will continue to mould me as an individual and lead my path.
Thank you Danessa from Prayerfull mum for this reflective blog train. Motherhood is a lifetime journey and we certainly need to take good care of ourselves in order to fuel for more to come. Click on the badge to read how more mummies manage their me-time!

Next up, we have Bumble Bee Mum. She's a stay-home mum with at least 1 kid by her side 24/7. Find out how she manages to find "Me-Time" nevertheless!
Thank you for reading and I welcome you to link up on Facebook & Instagram! :D See you around!
Gah.. I'm next... already??!!! Better go tidy up my post...
ReplyDeleteLove the photos in this post (including the one of myself... Kidding.). I'm a stay-home mum, so no, I am not fighting for time with the bubs and I can totally let go. As long as there is anyone out there willing to get them away from me. Your husband is amazing btw.
Yes, your photo makes a good ending to my post! Quick quick, I'm looking forward to your post and hopefully can learn how to let go more.
DeleteI'm being positive! did you notice I only write what he does and not what he didn't. haha. But anyhow, he did his best!
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ReplyDeleteIt was hard finding me-time when Lil Pumpkin was younger but it definitely gets easier as she's older now and I can safely put her in the hands of others. Me-time is pretty important to relax and take care of oneself. When you're happier, the positive energy passes on to the family!
ReplyDeleteAi @ Sakura Haruka
It's good to hear that things get better! I also think it's necessary to spare some me-time!
DeleteI struggle with me-time right now cos my #3 is so little. I think my me-time usually ends up being sleep time!
ReplyDeleteKudos to you coping with 3! I think mine will end up sleep time if I have 2, what more 3.
DeleteI absolutely think that me-time is very,very important for my sanity. There's a train of thought that mummies ought to give up everything and devout all their time and energy to their family and kids, but I beg to differ. If I don't get my daily dose of me-time, I become frustrated and easily irritated. How to be a good mum that way? =P
ReplyDeleteI think it's natural mummy instinct to give up everything and devout all time but it leads to easy burnt out. So, we definitely ought to have some regular me-time to recharge!
DeleteI couldn't hop on this blog train because I do not know what I do at Me Time or when I consider myself having one. I'm really happy to read that you have a list of them! Well balanced! :)
ReplyDeleteYou definitely have 1 and blogging will top your list. Keep writing so that I've good stuff to read!!
DeleteI can so identify with the pampering sessions (for me it would be manicure and pedicure) plus the blogging and late night shopping....keke...A woman's gotta shop!
ReplyDeleteHi-5!! You're tempting me with the mani and pedi sessions!
DeleteTotally get you on this post! I so long for Me time to do my stuff like shopping, pampering sessions because I'm a sahm and the kid is with me almost all the time yet when I do get those precious me time, I miss him so much! LOL! Call it crazy!
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful that I get some weekly guiltless Me-times cos he is in enrichment classes haha!!
@sayshappymums ~ Audrey :)
Hubby and I both think that time-off for parents is one of the hidden reason behind the enrichment classes. hahah..
DeleteAs my children are older now, I get to have more me-time! Sometimes when they are playing, I would sit at a side to read.
ReplyDeleteOooh.. I'm waiting for that day! Haha, but provided there is company for the kids, if just 1 kid probably still need to entertain. I better work harder!
DeleteI have been suffering all these years I would say. Food is my only solace and if I can afford the ME time, I'd typically be going after good food. If no spare time, I'd just hide in the bathroom or sofa to Facebook. *.*
ReplyDeleteShirley @ SAys! Happy Mums
Yes, if you're a foodie then the best is can eat good food in peace! Haha, I do the bathroom or sofa thing some time. haha