Dear Emmalyn
Daddy and Mummy just celebrated our 6th year wedding anniversary and 10th year dating anniversary earlier this year on 6 Feb 2016! It's your 3rd time joining our celebrations!
Once again, we headed back to Fullerton where we had our wedding 6 years ago for the celebration. It has became a tradition to drop by this special place on our anniversaries. I believe we will continue that every year unless we were out of Singapore like last year.
Have you ever wonder how Daddy and Mummy got to know each other?
I always tell others that we got to know each other at work but in fact, we "met" online.
Back in early Dec 2005, Daddy was looking for some sales staff and asked me over Friendster messenger if I'm looking for any job. [Friendster is a old school social media platform before the existence of Facebook]
Mummy had just graduated from Junior College and thought it's a good opportunity to earn some pocket money while waiting for my A'level result to be released in the following year. Hence, I went down for an interview by Daddy and gotten the job. Over the next few weeks, he trained me and we worked very closely.
One night after work, I went to a club with my closest girlfriends for the first time to celebrate her 18th birthday. My then manager was concerned about my safety and went to the club to check me out. In the end, I cabbed back with a guy friend who stayed around my place. Little did I know that he had specially made the trip to the club as he wanted to send me back home. That's probably the first time he shown his interest in me before I even realised.
Few weeks later was New Year's Eve. We went out for countdown and he asked me to be his girlfriend on the bus journey back home. He told me it was love at first sight. Having known him for less than a month, I was taken aback and felt we should give each other more time. He is a decent guy and we got along well but to be honest, I wasn't interested in him and he had left church for some time. What more, I wasn't ready to trust any other guys after some failed relationships.
Like how he has always been, he didn't give up and continued to pursue me. I'm glad he didn't give up after the rejections. We went out for tea sessions, dinners and movies dates to get to know each other more. The first movie that we watched was Saw 2. It's probably part of his plot to scare me and make me throw myself into his arms. However, that plot wasn't quite successful.
During the Chinese New Year period, we went out with colleagues for movies. I couldn't remember what the movie was all about. All left in my mind was the especially cold cinema and our hands reached for each other, unknowingly (and secretly) in the dark for the first time. Finally on 6 Feb 2006, I decided to try dating and see how God would lead us.
After we got together, I found out that we were totally the opposite. He's realistic, thinks ahead, courageous, persistent while I'm romantic, emotional and loves to go with my feel. Indeed, opposite attracts and we compliment each other. Over time, we influenced each other and slowly striking some balance in our personalities. And you are the best reflections of our combinations!
Daddy joined me at church and I praise God for bringing him back on path. We had many wonderful moments and slowly worked (ironed) issues out. As the days went by, I fell deeper in love with him. He becomes my best friend, my guardian, my listener, my adviser, my helper, my support and my encourager. I wouldn't be who I'm now without him.

With God's blessing, we decided to bring our relationship to the next level. Daddy proposed on 18 Apr 2009 by the beach at sunrise and I accepted! More about our love journey and proposal in another post next month!

With God's blessing, we decided to bring our relationship to the next level. Daddy proposed on 18 Apr 2009 by the beach at sunrise and I accepted! More about our love journey and proposal in another post next month!
We then spent the next 10 months preparing for our wedding on 6 Feb 2010 - our 4th year dating anniversary. However, just months before our big day, I was shocked to find that I'd remembered the date we first met wrongly all these years!
I thought Daddy was joking when he said we knew each other earlier than I remembered. He went on to show me a Friendster message that we had exchanged on 24 April 2004 (that's exactly 12 years from today and about 1.5 years earlier than I remembered!) but that conversation just stopped there and then so it was totally out of my mind.
I can't believe my eyes! God really leads in amazing way, we wouldn't have crossed path again without his perfect timing.
Finding your Mr Right
Emma, I'm excited to see how God works in your love life when you get older. Though, I'm not sure how we will take it if you start dating at 14 years old or interact with strangers online like the ignorant young me. The virtual circle would definitely be much more complex and exciting than before. Hence, I wish that you'd always guard your heart, mind, soul and body while searching for Mr Right. Regardless of where and how you get to know your other half, take time to build on your relationship. God will work in his perfect timing to bring your and your Mr Right together. He might not be the perfect man but it will definitely be a perfect one for you.
Above all, I pray that you'd find a faithful christian man whom you love and grow both of your faith together to please God. Love is so magical. It's not define by age or time or place. But, by God. Loves comes from God, we love because he first loved us. - 1 John 4:19
To my Mr Right
To my dearest Hubby, thank you for being the love of my life and a loving father. Let us always remember that we are first lovers before we became parents. We don't lose our initial identities after we became parents instead we just donned on additional identities.
I look forward to many more faithful and loving decades with you ahead!
I look forward to many more faithful and loving decades with you ahead!
With love,
Big thanks to Michelle Hon from for running this blogtrain. I'm glad to pen how we start our journey before my memories fail me.
Next up, we have Jacqualine. She is a work-from-home-mummy of three. Tomorrow, read about how she met her other half, Mr. Tan at Hello, Mrs Tan (
Big thanks to Michelle Hon from for running this blogtrain. I'm glad to pen how we start our journey before my memories fail me.
Awwww... Sweet memories! And Friendster, too! Indeed the clubbing part helped gave some clues eh? Hee! Happy 10th Pator Anniversary too!! ;)
ReplyDeleteAww... the good ol' hand holding in a dark cinema. I'm glad I organised the blog train. Reading all your stories bring back many memories of my own too :)
ReplyDeleteThe days of selfies without front cameras haha!
ReplyDeleteThe days of selfies without front cameras haha!